- Chasing Our Tail
Before it became as apparent as it is today that we, as a society, are caught in a system that pretends to be necessary, beneficial, and meaningful, it was already quite obvious that certain things simply don’t make any sense.
- How Today’s Students Can Become Great Writers by Using Thomas Jefferson’s Methods
Would today’s students soar to greater heights if schools took the advice of Jay Matthews, devoted more time to reading and writing, and were mentored by teachers who did the same?
- Charlie Brown’s Christmas Message to America
Simple, timeless, and unpretentious, “A Charlie Brown Christmas Special” became a holiday tradition since its first airing on Dec. 9, 1965.
- How Amazon’s Super-Complex Shipping System Works
How Amazon's Super-Complex Shipping System Works.
- The joy of public speaking
Matthew Cossolotto believes that it is time to banish fear about public speaking.
- Nile Rodgers and Merck Mercuriadis on Music that Speaks to the Soul
Iconic musician and producer Nile Rodgers and industry executive and entrepreneur Merck Mercuriadis discuss the elusive recipe of what makes a song speak to us through the ages.
- POWERFUL 11min Life of Billionaire Visualization Video 🔥 Attract Money Now
“Visualization is the human being’s vehicle to the future – good, bad, or indifferent. It’s strictly in our control.” — Earl Nightingale
- Michael J. Gelb Leaders on Leadership
Tune in and learn about how you can unleash your inner genius, and Michael’s brilliant insights on the Price of Leadership.
- 21 quotes from the Apollo 11 astronauts on everything from walking on the moon to the future of spaceflight
Half a century ago, on July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 astronauts took off for the moon. Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins arrived four days later to a place no human being had ever been before.
- 5 Creative Ways to Boost Your Productivity So You Can Accomplish More
You can be more productive, free up time in your day, and finally make that yoga class.
- Leonard Bernstein’s Masterful Lectures on Music (11+ Hours of Video Recorded at Harvard in 1973)
Delivered in the fall of 1973 and collectively titled "The Unanswered Question," Bernstein's lectures covered a lot of terrain, touching on poetry, linguistics, philosophy and physics.
- The Story of Living in my Car to Buying a Lamborghini Aventador
The Story of Living in my Car to Buying a Lamborghini Aventador
- 15 Incredibly Effective Hypnotic Power Words To Ethically Influence Others – 2ND EDITION
What makes them power words isn’t necessarily the words themselves, but the way in which they’re used.
- 12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time — The Only Post You’ll Ever Need
There are only few language learners who dazzle me, and Benny Lewis is one of them.
- What It Takes to Be a World Champion Aerobat
Kirby Chambliss talks risk, fitness, and what nearly 12gs of force actually feels like.
- July 20, 1969: The Eagle Has Landed
July 20, 1969 marks the greatest day in human history.
- A Hypnotic Look at How Japanese Samurai Swords Are Made
Paper, books, wooden joints, tea whisks — Japanese culture has, for seemingly all of its long recorded history, greatly esteemed the making of objects.
- Who Am I?
Five Personality Tests that Will Fascinate You
- 3 habits of successful language learners
Roughly 1.2 billion people worldwide are currently learning a foreign language. If you are one of them, this article is for you.
- 15 Relatively Brilliant Albert Einstein Quotes
March 14 is the 138th anniversary of Einstein's birth. Celebrate with these quotes that have nothing to do with E=mc2.
- Why Americans Refrigerate Eggs and Europeans Don’t
A few years ago, I bought some fresh eggs from a friend who owned chickens. They were wonderful.
- 7 Well-Known Symbols Whose Meaning We Knew Nothing About
Every day we encounter thousands of signs and symbols. We actually use some of them to express our strongest feelings when we can’t find the right words. But have you ever wondered about those symbols’ origins? And are we using them in the correct manner?
- How Cuba’s Greatest Cartoonist Fled From Castro and Created ‘Spy vs. Spy’
One day a Cuban illustrator walked unannounced into the MAD Magazine offices, and the rest is history.
- The minister who taught Donald Trump to ‘think positive’
Since the 1950s there has been an intellectual vogue in running down the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993), whose post-war bestseller “The Power of Positive Thinking” made him the official smiley face of positive-mind spirituality.
- Trailblazing Physicist David Bohm and Buddhist Monk Matthieu Ricard on How We Shape What We Call Reality
We never see the world exactly as it is — our entire experience of it is filtered through the screen of our longings and our fears, onto which project the interpretation we call reality.
- A “solution” to clear frost off your windshield
Here is a quick and easy way to clear frost off your windshield and most of you already have the ingredients in your home.
- Command Yourself
An inquirer asked a teacher, “How can I command whatever happens to me?”
- The Story Behind Lucinda Grange’s Insane Photo Sitting Atop The Chrysler Building Eagle
There's something beautifully terrifying about this photo, taken several years ago, of a woman sitting on top of the Chrysler Building...
- 10 Timeless Steps to Better Writing From David Ogilvy, the Father of Advertising
It's been said that the ability to write well helps a person to achieve focus, which leads to better, clearer thinking.
- Leonard Bernstein’s Masterful Lectures on Music
Delivered in the fall of 1973 and collectively titled “The Unanswered Question,” Bernstein’s lectures covered a lot of terrain, touching on poetry, linguistics, philosophy and physics.
- 20 ways to use Epsom salt around the house
The mineral mixture, named for a saline spring in England, is actually a combination of magnesium and sulfate.
- An Inside Look at What Happens When You Buy and Take Delivery of a Private Jet
You’ll be invited to swivel in the seats and recline them, to feel how smoothly they operate.
- 21 Artists Give “Advice to the Young : ” Vital Lessons from Laurie Anderson, David Byrne, Umberto Eco, Patti Smith & More
Never meet your idols, they say. It can put a cramp in your appreciation of their work.
- Latin Words and Phrases Every Man Should Know
What do great men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt all have in common?
- What To Do When When There’s An Invisible Gun To Your Head (and how to rebuild your broken idea machine…)
Maybe you’ve never been forced to have great ideas before…maybe there was a time when you needed great ideas but couldn’t produce them…
- How to Attract Good Luck
Do you want good luck? Of course you do. We all need that extra “something” to help us in life.
- The Man Who Gave Us the Law of Attraction
Positive Thinking’s Most Alluring Phrase Doesn’t Mean Quite What You Think
- Decipher Your Cat’s Body Language With This Helpful Infographic
Illustrator Lili Chin drew this helpful—and adorable—guide to decoding your feline's feelings.
- How To Be That Guy Who Has All The Luck
There are those who would have you believe that being lucky is just a matter of chance. Those people have clearly never wanted to be Jedi Masters. And, well, it turns out you can come pretty close to being one.
Learn the secrets to the innovative card trick that Jay performed on 'FOOL US' and deceived Penn and Teller!
- Remember the First 100 Digits of Pi Using This Basic Technique
People with good memories can often seem like they possess an inherent talent—a seemingly magical capacity for fact recollection.
- 9 websites and applications to improve your lingual skills
You don’t have to attend expensive language courses or to convert your free trials into paid subscriptions. You can find enough websites and applications to improve your lingual skills for free.
After the response to this recent LifeHacker piece, I thought I would explain the system I use to take notes, research books and keep track of anecdotes, stories and info I come across in my work.
- What happened to the signers of the Declaration
What happened to the signers of the Declaration?
- Morley Safer Recorded The Greatest Lamborghini Documentary Ever Shot
In April 1987, Morley Safer reported on legendary Italian automaker Lamborghini.
- 7 memorable moments in the history of Buckingham Palace
The London residence of Britain’s sovereigns since 1837 and today the working headquarters of the monarchy, Buckingham Palace is one of Britain’s most popular tourist attractions. Here we look back at seven notable moments in the palace’s near 180-year history…
- Take this mind-blowing virtual tour of Hieronymus Bosch’s ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’
There’s a stunning website dedicated to Hieronymus Bosch’s “Garden of Earthly Delights,” one of the great (and enduringly popular) treasures of “Early Netherlandish” art. If you should check it out, you’ll be treated to a high-res image of the painting, Dolby-esque sound effects like snarling animals and lapping water, and an erudite series of audio clips explaining certain aspects of the painting, which you can take in sequence (as a tour) or investigate after your own fashion.
- The Shocking True Tale Of The Mad Genius Who Invented Sea-Monkeys
An inventor and entrepreneur who brought us legions of wonderfully gimmicky toys before he died, at 77, in 2003, von Braunhut holds forth about times gone by, interrupted only when his cockatoo chews at the wire connecting his hearing aid to the telephone.
- 12 vintage office supplies that will take you back to work in the 1960s
How boss would it be to work in a nostalgic space filled with blue steel desks and the clattering of IBM typewriters?
- How The World’s Most Beautiful Typeface Was Nearly Lost Forever
After a dispute between its creators, the Doves Type was left to lie in the Thames. A century later, it has finally resurfaced. This is the story of its rescue.