Posted on January 9, 2023 12:09 pm in All Happiness

Talk your way to positive thinking (

How can you make self-talk actually work for you?

Positive thinking guru Jon Gordon, in his weekly newsletter (12/26/22), explains the simple secret of effective self-talk:

“Talk TO yourself instead of LISTENING to yourself,” writes Gordon. “Instead of listening to your complaints, fears, and doubts, talk to yourself with words of truth and encouragement.”

Recommendation: When a negative thought enters your mind, immediately replace the thought with its logical opposite, which is the strongest positive truth you can think of.

For instance, let’s say that because of age, health, or property tax increases, you are reluctantly considering downsizing — and it’s making you sad, because you do not want to move.

Self-talk solution

Change your attitude of resentment and unhappiness at having to leave the home you love, to an attitude of gratitude; e.g. “We have been so lucky to have lived here and enjoyed our wonderful home all these years.”

But to make that work, you have to practice this method of self-talk consistently — day after day.

Sometimes you will convince yourself. Find comfort. Reduce negative thinking and feelings. It will work.

​And you will feel better.

Other times, especially if you are new to this kind of self-talk, you may find you don’t have the willpower to embrace it.

The secret is practice — constant, vigilant, and diligent application of the method.

It’s similar to muscle memory you build up working out at the gym.

Practicing self-talk as Gordon describes it makes your “mental muscles” stronger — giving you greater control over your thoughts.

BTW, so many self-help books I have read tell you the secret to success is positive thinking.

But most do not tell you HOW to be a positive thinker.

Therefore, those books are telling you WHAT to do, but not HOW to do it.

Which is inadequate writing for a how-to book — and of extremely limited value.

Try these books instead.

Robert W. Bly is a freelance copywriter and marketing consultant with 3 decades of experience in business-to-business, high-tech, and direct marketing. He is the first AXIOMS EXPERT at Kallisti Publishing Inc.
