Posted on October 30, 2023 10:06 am in All Extreme Success

Quit Your Day Job? How to Organize Your Day as a New Full-Time Author (

You’ve dreamed of it: waking up to a day where your only job is to write. The romantic vision of sipping coffee as you craft worlds with words is tantalizing. But becoming a full-time author is more than just typing away in solitude. It requires organization, discipline, and a fair bit of business savvy. Let’s take a practical look at structuring your day for creative freedom and professional growth.

Organization Matters

In a traditional job, you often have a set schedule, specific tasks, and a boss to report to. In the life of a full-time author, you’re the boss, the employee, and the entire HR department. Without a proper schedule, you risk falling into the trap of procrastination, burning out from a lack of work-life balance, and even suffering from creative stagnation (writer’s block, anyone?).

An organized day, on the other hand, can lead to enhanced productivity and even better creativity.

Find Your Golden Hours

Identifying your most productive hours is crucial. Whether you’re most alert and creative in the early morning, afternoon, or late into the night, use these “golden hours” to focus on the most challenging and important aspects of your work: writing, editing, or brainstorming new ideas.

Prioritize Important Writing Tasks

Once you’ve identified your golden hours, the next step is to reserve this valuable time for tasks that have the greatest impact on your writing career. This means prioritizing activities such as completing a chapter, revising an outline, or developing characters and plotlines.

Tackle these tasks during your peak productivity hours to ensure you’re making significant progress on your most important goals.

Identify Your Optimal Organization Method

Keeping track of your tasks, ideas, and deadlines is crucial, but there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to organization. Some authors may lean toward digital platforms for a visually structured experience.

On the other hand, you might find that the simplicity of a handwritten checklist or even sticky notes on a wall works best for you.

Choose a method that aligns with your workflow and enhances your creativity, rather than complicating it.

Managing Administrative Duties

Writing may be your primary focus, but don’t forget that you’re also running a business. Once your creative peak hours have passed, it’s crucial to allocate time to the administrative and operational aspects that are integral to your career.

This involves managing a range of tasks from handling emails and correspondence with publishers, agents, and fans, to building your brand through marketing and social media efforts.

Don’t underestimate the importance of financial management: keep track of expenses, royalties, and other income while considering tools like accounting software or advice from a financial advisor.

Networking is another key component, whether it’s connecting with other authors, joining writers’ groups, or attending industry events, these relationships can offer invaluable opportunities and resources.

Finally, stay abreast of market trends and continuously educate yourself about what’s current in your genre.

These tasks might not tap into your creative side, but they’re essential for sustaining a long-term writing career and achieving a balanced work-life dynamic.

Rest and Recharge

While it’s tempting to power through when you’re feeling inspired, it’s important to remember that breaks aren’t just allowed —  they’re beneficial. Stepping away from your work for a few minutes—whether it’s to enjoy a cup of tea or take a brief walk—can reinvigorate your mind and provide a fresh perspective on your writing.

The aim is to strike a balance, allowing for periods of intense focus while also incorporating short, refreshing breaks to recharge your creative batteries.

Continued Learning and Development

Consider dedicating part of your non-peak time to skill enhancement, industry research, and networking. Whether it’s taking specialized courses to improve your writing techniques, staying updated on market trends through newsletters and podcasts, or preparing for writers’ conferences to build professional relationships, continuous learning is crucial.

This is also a good time to go through feedback from readers or editors to understand your audience better.

Becoming familiar with the latest writing tools and software can further streamline your writing process. By incorporating professional development into your daily routine, you not only maintain but elevate your skills and career prospects.

As you step into the gratifying yet challenging world of being a full-time author, constructing a routine that nourishes both your professional and personal life is crucial. From identifying your most productive times to investing in continuous learning, balancing administrative duties, and making time for family and personal well-being, every aspect plays a role in your success.

A well-rounded life not only serves as the cornerstone for long-term professional triumph but also for mental well-being.

Never underestimate the revitalizing power of quality time spent with loved ones or engaging in personal hobbies.

How do you structure your daily routine?

One response to Quit Your Day Job? How to Organize Your Day as a New Full-Time Author

  1. AR November 21st, 2023 at 7:39 am

    This is important to know. Thanks!

