I Get How the Universe Works
My schedule is such that I sometimes don’t get to connect with people in my various circles for quite some time. But when I do it’s always exciting to see what’s transpired in their lives. I went to our annual civic association dinner this past weekend and reconnected with a couple who I hadn’t crossed paths with for three years. I remember the last time we spoke because each of us was in the midst of a seriously rough professional transition. We were pulling away from what we knew and had to come to terms with a new, and undefined future.
Fast forward to our present time, and we each now had the joy of reflecting on our past passage through the wilderness and our current reality in the land of plenty. That’s when my friend made the following statement, “I’m never going back; I get how the universe works.” Wow, is that the most tremendously profound and succinct description of what we all long for in life or what? Did she mean there won’t be challenges? No. Did she mean there won’t be heartache? No. Did she mean that everything will be unicorns, kittens, and rainbows going forward? No.
What she meant is that she finally dialed into the secret to success. And it’s not actually a secret, but rather a subtle shift in how you approach the world. Since I feel like I am finally dialing in my own paradigm permutation, I wanted to compare notes. So, I asked her what she felt were the tremendous triggers that enabled her to greet her future with permanent peace (never going back to the land of fear) and powerful purpose (what on earth am I here for). What did she now know that could enable her to make such an enlightened statement as “I get how the universe works”? She listed three things: Intentionality, Unattachment, and Serving Others. Let’s briefly unpack each of these.
Intentionality: My friend mentioned that when she was trying to grow her business, she would spend time and resources on anyone who seemed interested in her product or joining her team. It wasn’t until she finally became intentional about only partnering with others who shared a passion for the product and a value congruence in going “all in” that she brought the dream team to fruition and began moving up in the company hierarchy. When you want it bad, that’s how you get it. Wait for the right people and the right time to enter your life for the right reasons. You’ll save yourself so many frustrations and lost time and money you won’t know how you ever got it done the old way. Don’t look for someone who will solve all your problems. Look for someone who won’t let you face them alone.
Unattachment: I’m reminded of the 38 Special lyrics in, Hold on Loosely; “If you cling to tightly, you’re gonna lose control.” Whatever life presents to us, there is no guarantee it’ll be in our future for any given amount of time, let alone work out. There are things in life I truly want; but if they don’t happen, it’s okay. I’ll do the best I can, but that’s really all I can do. When you are unattached to a predetermined future, you can go through life with such a sense of peace and wonder. I know it sounds counter-intuitive to much of the teaching we encounter today, but I highly recommend trying this one on for a bit. That old Let Go and Let God formula isn’t just a pithy platitude. You can live your life this way, and when you do it takes tremendous to a whole new level. Be committed; not attached. But most importantly, know the difference.
Serving Others: A service-driven existence recognizes the difference between making a living and making a life. Exchanging time for money or allowing money to become your master is a one-way ticket to moral bankruptcy and a scarcity mentality. You’ll always be chasing what others are doing so you can become just as “successful” in worldly terms as they are. Everyone on this planet is a vessel meant to be poured out in service to others. We allow others to meet our needs and bless us with their gifts, but we must in turn then offer ourselves to be poured out. There are two ways you can go through life. The first is if you feel you deserve everything and owe nothing; the second is if you feel you deserve nothing and owe everything. When we give thanks for our daily bread, we create a sense of gratitude that fills the earth with light and gives others hope for their future. Sai Baba said it best, “No joy can equal the joy of serving others.”
So, there you have it on this marvelous Monday morning! You now know how the universe works which should make your week unfold spectacularly. Be intentional in your words and deeds this week. Watch what you allow into your head and space and seek out those things that are true, and right, and kind. Be unattached to the future. We’ll do the possible, but let God do the impossible. Soon you’ll come to the full realization that if someone or something doesn’t manifest in the way you’d hoped it does not detract from your glorious future in any way, shape, or form. Lastly, find ways this week to pour into others, whether in word, or deed, a phone call, or a visit. Your action could be the singular reason someone decides that life is worth living. Don’t let that opportunity to bless and be blessed pass you by.