Charles F. Haanel and the Five Percenters
In the “Questions & Answers” chapter in The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel, this question is posed.
What is the meaning of the statement, “Only five percent have the vision to annex the strategic position, to see and feel a thing before it happens?”
Mr. Haanel wrote this answer.
Ninety-five percent of the people are busy attempting to change effects. Something happens which they do not like and they try to change the situation. They soon find that they are simply changing one form of distress for another. The other five percent are busily engaged with causes. They know that in order to make any permanent change it is the cause which they must seek. They soon find that the cause is within their control. It is the five percent that do the thinking, and the ninety-five percent which merely accept the thought of others. It is those only who think who can see and feel a thing before it happens.
The “five percenters” are the people who think …
… who know that the cause is within their control …
… who make permanent changes …
… who work with causes rather than effects …
… who see and feel a thing before it happens.
And, most importantly, the 5%-ers don’t merely accept the thoughts of others. They think for themselves.
They see clearly …
… think carefully …
… feel purposefully …
… and win.
Be a “5%-er”!
Only five percent of the people who read this will get these books.